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A short Interview with Marloes Hoedeman, founder of Love Stories, delving into her recently shared manifesto. In celebration of International Women's Day, we explore Love Stories as a brand created by and for women, touching on themes of body love, and how we should look for authenticity. 

What lies beneath the surface of this manifesto? 
Essentially, it is about recognizing the beauty in your uniqueness. A gentle reminder to appreciate yourself, both internally and externally, including the aspects that may be perceived as flaws. I like to see the manifesto as a friend who occasionally gives you an honest and constructive pep talk; "Alright, let's hit pause on this downward spiral of negativity and instead, take a moment to acknowledge and love the treasures you already possess. So, it metaphorically encourages a good old-fashioned pat on the back. And if you're struggling to find that pride within yourself, it suggests self-analysis and a gentle push towards positive action and encouragement. 

In direct relation to this you often talk about body love, can you explain this further?
Women are unfortunately still confined to limiting body boxes, constantly categorized. It's high time we rethink how we perceive, feel, and discuss our bodies. Luckily many women understand that true body confidence stems from within, yet we often downplay the importance of our mindset, drowned out by the noise of negative self-talk. The most important thing is that you've only got one body—treat it well. And you call the shots on how you treat it. Sure, junk food is tempting (who can resist?), but everything in moderation. And exercise? Well, let's not be too hard on yourself. Body Love involves prioritizing self-care for one's body, ignoring societal standards, expectations, and definitions. Challenge it, love it, enjoy it and when you neglect it, then make up for it. When you look in the mirror, wearing Love Stories you should think, "Yeah, I feel beautiful in this item." And hey, you should always feel beautiful when you're naked. Our lingerie is merely to support straighter backs, higher chins and inner hell yeahs. Very happy to be a secret for one, but always ready to be seen by all.  

How does Love Stories fit into the quest for authenticity?
I often find myself reflecting on sameness. It's surprising how much everything seems alike nowadays. I firmly believe that striving for perfection leads us down a path of monotony where everything and everyone looks the same —it's so uninspiring and, frankly, dull. So, we should try to stop this. This sentiment extends even to unique pieces like vintage finds, which I adore for their individuality and backstory. Imperfections add character and make everything more captivating. I think one way is to rediscover our authentic desires, such as the things we did when we were younger, unburdened by references, and indifferent to others' opinions. This is important in a world filled with borrowed ideas. This quest for authenticity is reflected in Love Stories' DNA. Our foundation is built on the perfect mismatch,' celebrating the beauty of unexpected combinations, like a cotton boxer paired with lace. It's about embracing contradictions and creating your own unique style. This approach resonates deeply with me because it allows for personal expression and creativity. 

The moment you slip into one of our pieces, whether it's a vibrant colour combo, playful print or a lace detail, get ready for that instant 'wow' factor. Our lingerie is very much about how it makes you feel —it's about the bond of happiness and comfort. In your personal lingerie experience, that's where the true magic lies.

Tipps by Marloes for International Women’s Day:

I draw inspiration from trailblazing women who challenge norms and brake boundaries. As an ode to Women's Day, I'd like to share two inspiring documentaries that celebrate women who lived authentically:

"Iris" - This documentary explores the life of the late Iris Apfel, a fashion icon who, even in her absence continues to remind us that dressing, and indeed, life, is nothing but a grand experiment. She embodies the idea that if you're lucky enough to do something you love, everything else follows.

"Maiden" - This documentary follows British sailor Tracy Edwards, who defied critics by leading the first all-female crew to successfully complete the Whitbread Round the World yacht race. Their journey was not only historic but also a testament to the resilience and determination of women in challenging environments.

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